
Planning Benefits

Planning Benefits

Planning your funeral arrangements in advance can offer you and your family a number of benefits:


  • Identify your preferences – You are able to make the major decisions ahead of time to alleviate the pressure and time constraint on your family when grieving at the time of your passing.
  • Peace of mind – By checking funeral arrangements off of your list, you will feel a sense of accomplishment knowing that this is taken care of.
  • Ease and Simplicity - When a death occurs, there are 75 -150 tasks and decisions that your next of kin will have to address within 36 hours. With a pre-arrangement, you can address up to 95% of those, making it easy and simple on those who will be responsible.


  • Invest in your future – When you set up a pre-arrangement it is in the form of a funeral policy that has several benefits. It is protected from your assets in the form of an irrevocable assignment, fully transferable, and allows you to address all of the costs ahead of time.
  • Pre-Pay: Lock in today’s cost – With a funeral policy, you have the ability to lock in today’s prices ensuring that no matter how inflation affects it, the price will not go up for you. Your advisor will explain your payment options that allows you to make a decision that best suits you and your family.
  • More for your family – When you pre-pay with a funeral policy, your estate will owe nothing on your funeral expenses. Your assets and life insurance proceeds will go directly to your family. Life insurance is not intended to be used for funeral expenses. If you were planning on using your insurance, discuss with your advisor to determine if it will be able to be used.
  • Multiple Payment Options – When a death occurs without a pre-arrangement, your family will have to make the decisions, and have a plan to address the costs within 36-48 hours before any services are performed. With a funeral policy, you can determine a payment plan that meets your needs. This allows you to address your funeral costs over time, rather than leaving it for your family.

Our Advanced Planning Specialists help you determine if a pre-arrangement is right for you. We will review your options, determine a funeral cost estimate based on your preferences, and educate you on how the funeral policy works, and explain the different payment plans available.

Learn More about Pre-Planning Today

N. Bitner, Supervisor
Phone: (717) 545-3774
Fax: (717) 545-2325
3125 Walnut Street
Harrisburg, PA 17109

T. Hobbs, Supervisor
Phone: (717) 233-7814
Fax: (717) 545-2325
1334 North 2nd Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102

R. Smith, Supervisor
Phone: (717) 834-4515
Fax: (717) 545-2325
325 N. High Street
Duncannon, PA 17020

V. Miller, Supervisor
Phone: (717) 652-7701
Fax: (717) 545-2325
2100 Linglestown Road
Harrisburg, PA 17110

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Crafted with care by Frazer Consultants & TA

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